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What is Oral and Dental Health Program?

Training professionals equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of oral and dental health requires a versatile and disciplined approach. A competent "Oral and Dental Health" education should be given in order to raise graduates who are preferred in the public and private sectors, who are respected, qualified and who have reached the international level of knowledge in the field of dental health.

Features of Oral and Dental Health Technician:

• To have basic theoretical and practical knowledge about oral and dental health,
• To use basic computer programs and related technologies related to the field,
• To critically evaluate the basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field, to determine learning needs,
• Being sensitive to the events on the agenda of the society and the world in the field of oral and dental health, to monitor the developments, to inform the relevant people and institutions by using the basic knowledge and skills they have in these matters,
• To contribute in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ​​in the stages of collecting, interpreting, applying and announcing the results of data related to the field.


What are the Responsibilities of Oral and Dental Health Technicians?

• Prepares dental units for examination and other processes, pre-washing, surface disinfection and sterilization of the materials used,
• Assisting the physician in patient examination,
• Providing and preparing the necessary materials according to the treatment method to be applied by the physician, helping the physician conducting the treatment during the treatment procedures
• Taking part in the procurement and control of treatment and consumables in the clinic,
• To assist the dentist in preventive dentistry practices


What are the Courses Taken in the Oral and Dental Health Program?

Courses taught in Oral and Dental Health Program, Medical Terminology, Basic Microbiology and Sterilization, Oral and Dental Anatomy, Materials and Instrument Knowledge I and II, Basic Pharmacology, Turkish Language I and II, English I and II, Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution I and II, University Culture I and II, Archive and Documentation, Clinic Introduction and Practice Management, Positive Psychology and Communication Skills. The courses taught in the second year are Clinical Practice I and II (Theory and Practice) in Profession, Preventive Dentistry, Radiological Applications and Radiation Protection in Dentistry, Infectious Diseases, Sign Language I and II, Elective Course, Professional Ethics. There is a 30 working day Summer Internship application.


What are the Working Areas of Oral and Dental Health Program Graduates?

The Ministry of Health data show that the demand for oral and dental health personnel in our country is far above the supply. In our country, it is estimated that approximately 30,000 dentists will be required in 2023 and the number of dentists will be around 20.00 as of the same period. According to these data, it can be predicted that the demand for oral and dental health personnel will follow a similar course in parallel with the dentist deficit. Students who graduate from the program receive the necessary training to become perfect professionals by using all the infrastructure of our powerful solution partners, equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge. Students who graduate from this department can work in dental laboratories and companies that provide technical equipment related to dental health.