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Scientific Activities:



Published in National Refereed Journals


  1. 40 Yaş Üzeri Bireylerin Prostat Kanseri Taramalarına İlişkin Sağlık İnanç ve Tutumlarının Belirlenmesi
  2. Investigating effects of grape seed extract on neuropathic pain in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
  3. Gökmen Ö., Tırınk S., Şahin E., The Impact of Environmental Problems on Human Health, II. Internatıonal Iğdır Symposium (IĞDIRSEMP 2017), 9-11 October, 2017, Iğdır, TURKEY
  4. Şahin E., Gökmen Ö., Tırınk S., An Important Factor to have Impact on The Health: Indoor Air Quality,  II. Internatıonal Iğdır Symposium (IĞDIRSEMP 2017), 9-11 October, 2017, Iğdır, TURKEY
  5. Tırınk S., Şahin E., Gökmen Ö., The Importance of Behaviours on the Environmental Awareness and the Healthy Lifestyle in Higher Education, II. Internatıonal Iğdır Symposium (IĞDIRSEMP 2017), 9-11 October, 2017, Iğdır, TURKEY


Presented in Scientific Meetings such as National Congress and Symposium and included in the program

  1.  Hastanede Çalışan Hemşirelerin Algılanan Kariyer Engellerinin Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi.
  2. Nöro Linguistik Programlama (NLP) Ve Hemşirelikte Kullanılabilirliği.
  3. Specifying the view of the nurses who are working in two different university hospitals on the employment of foreign nurses in Turkey
  4. The influence of nurses’ occupational professionalism level upon work-life quality
  5. Türkiye’de Küreselleşmenin Hemşirelik Mesleğine Etkileri.
  6. Effects of Grape Seed Extract on Diabetic Neuropathy in Mice: PC058
  7. The Determınatıon Of Attıtude Towars Evıdence Based Nursıng By Nurses
  8. The Valıdıty And Relıabılıty Of Evıdence-Based Practıce Competence Scaleof Nursıng Students In Postgraduate Nursıng Students

Presented in Scientific Meetings such as International Congress and Symposium and included in the program


