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General Information:

The physiotherapy program is to train health personnel who are scientifically equipped to work in physiotherapy and rehabilitation departments and clinics, university and state hospitals, private hospitals, health centers and spa / thermal facilities, and give importance to human health and ethical values. Graduates of the program can work in the health sector under the supervision of a physiotherapist to assist a specialist in physical therapy applications. For this reason, physiotherapy program students are trained as well-equipped and qualified health personnel. Physiotherapy Technicians, the work and procedures performed in the hospitals they work under the supervision and control of the relevant specialist doctors; prepares the patient for physical therapy, applies the physical therapy in line with the directives of the relevant doctor or physiotherapist, prepares the physiotherapy devices and instruments and maintains the physiotherapy devices.


Training Period and Content
During the 2-year training of the physiotherapy program, physics, anatomy, physiotherapy, medical terminology, use of computer technologies, physiology, kinesiology, measurement and evaluation in physiotherapy, first aid, orthosis and prosthesis rehabilitation, orthopedic rehabilitation and massage techniques lessons are given. With the certificate and seminar programs given in addition to the curriculum courses, students gain professional equipment before graduation. Our students carry out their practice-based education in the laboratories of our university and in our contracted practice hospital. Applications made with the devices and equipment in our university's physiotherapy laboratory give our students practical experience before graduation. In this way, the competencies required by the profession are gained and our students are trained as well-equipped health personnel.



Physiotherapy Technicians, in the institutions and organizations they work with; In line with their areas of expertise, experience, and service content of institutions and organizations, they can take part in management levels. Our students who have successfully completed the physiotherapy program can make a vertical transfer to the "Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation" four-year undergraduate program with the Vertical Transfer Exam.

Qualifications Required by the Profession
Those who prefer the Physiotherapy program and want to work as a Physiotherapy Technician in the sector;

Interested and successful in science, especially biology and physics,
Strong and durable in the body,
Can use eyes and hands in coordination,
Hand and finger skills are developed,
Can understand others and likes to help them,
They should be patient, loving, careful and responsible people.


Working places

Physiotherapy Technicians; He can work in private health institutions, private rehabilitation centers, private hospitals, nursing homes, spa / thermal facilities, sports / health centers and professional and amateur sports clubs.